Custom MK/SS808 Image

The following document describes our own method of creating a custom Kali Linux MK/SS808 ARM image and is targeted at developers. If you would like to install a pre-made Kali image, check out our Install Kali on MK/SS808 article.

You’ll need to have root privileges to do this procedure, or the ability to escalate your privileges with the command “sudo su”.

01. Create a Kali rootfs

Build yourself a Kali rootfs as described in our Kali documentation, using an armhf architecture. By the end of this process, you should have a populated rootfs directory in ~/arm-stuff/rootfs/kali-armhf.

02. Create the Image File

Next, we create the physical image file which will hold our MK/SS808 rootfs and boot images:

:~$ sudo apt install -y kpartx xz-utils sharutils
:~$ mkdir -p ~/arm-stuff/images/
:~$ cd ~/arm-stuff/images/
:~/arm-stuff/images$ dd if=/dev/zero of=kali-custom-ss808.img conv=fsync bs=4M count=7000

03. Partition and Mount the Image File

:~$ parted kali-custom-ss808.img --script -- mklabel msdos
:~$ parted kali-custom-ss808.img --script -- mkpart primary ext4 1 -1
:~$ loopdevice=`losetup -f --show kali-custom-ss808.img`
:~$ device=`kpartx -va $loopdevice| sed -E 's/.*(loop[0-9])p.*/\1/g' | head -1`
:~$ device="/dev/mapper/${device}"
:~$ rootp=${device}p1
:~$ mkfs.ext4 $rootp
:~$ mkdir -p root/
:~$ mount $rootp root

04. Copy and Modify the Kali rootfs

:~$ rsync -HPavz /root/arm-stuff/rootfs/kali-armhf-xfce4/ root
:~$ echo nameserver > root/etc/resolv.conf

05. Compile the rk3066 Kernel and Modules

:~$ sudo apt install -y xz-utils
:~$ mkdir -p ~/arm-stuff/kernel/
:~$ cd ~/arm-stuff/kernel/
:~$ git clone git:// rk3066-kernel
:~$ cd rk3066-kernel/
:~$ sed -i "/vpu_service/d" arch/arm/plat-rk/Makefile
:~$ export ARCH=arm
:~$ export CROSS_COMPILE=~/arm-stuff/kernel/toolchains/arm-eabi-linaro-4.6.2/bin/arm-eabi-
:~$ # A basic configuration for the UG802 and MK802 III
:~$ # make rk30_hotdog_ti_defconfig

:~$ # A basic configuration for the MK808
:~$ make rk30_hotdog_defconfig

:~$ # configure your kernel !
:~$ make menuconfig

:~$ # Configure the kernel as per;=835
:~$ mkdir -p ../initramfs/
:~$ wget -O ../initramfs/initramfs.cpio
:~$ mkdir -p ../patches/
:~$ wget -O ../patches/mac80211.patch
:~$ wget O ../patches/negative.patch
:~$ patch -p1 < ../patches/mac80211.patch
:~$ patch -p1 < ../patches/negative.patch
:~$ ./
:~$ make modules -j$(cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor | wc -l)
:~$ make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=~/arm-stuff/images/root
:~$ git clone git:// firmware-git
:~$ mkdir -p ~/arm-stuff/images/root/lib/firmware
:~$ cp -rf firmware-git/* ~/arm-stuff/images/root/lib/firmware/
:~$ rm -rf firmware-git
:~$ umount $rootp
:~$ kpartx -dv $loopdevice
:~$ losetup -d $loopdevice

07. dd the Image to a USB device

Use the dd command to image this file to your SD card. In our example, we assume the storage device is located at /dev/sdb. Change this as needed:

:~$ dd if=kali-linux-ss808.img of=/dev/sdb conv=fsync bs=4M

Once the dd operation is complete, unmount and eject the SD card and boot your MK/SS808 into Kali Linux

Last updated

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